IIGF Institute Advocacy

IIGF Institute continuously pushes for the creation of a policy climate that supports the acceleration of infrastructure development in Indonesia.

In the effort to realize a sustainable, resilient, productive, inclusive, and equitable infrastructure development, a conducive policy climate plays a key role in accelerating infrastructure development. To that end, IIGF Institute actively pushes for and is involved in the development and amendment of infrastructure development policies in Indonesia.

Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable

To address the challenges and issues in Indonesia’s infrastructure development, Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable (IIR) brings together various stakeholders from academics, experts, investors, industry players, to policy makers to discuss and share their views to produce comprehensive and applicable solutions.

See Activities

Policy Recommendation

IIGF Institute actively develops policy recommendations to support policy making using an evidence-based approach based on collective knowledge to support the creation of a better infrastructure development ecosystem.

See Policy Recommendations


Innovative Financing Community (INFINITY) is a community of practice that provides various information about government activities to promote the infrastructure development ecosystem. This community offers opportunities for experts, practitioners, policymakers, and other infrastructure stakeholders to share knowledge, develop competencies, and gain insights. It also provides thoughts and recommendations to address strategic issues in infrastructure development.

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