
Compendium Book : Encouraging Public Participation on Indonesia Infrastructure Development

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Infrastructure Development
IIGF Institute,
Published on:
02 Desember 2022
Indonesia G20 Presidency has successfully conveyed the Bali G20 Leader's Declaration for World Recovery in 2022. In line with the Indonesian Theme for G20 Presidency 2022—Recover Together, Recover Stronger—the declaration signifies a great momentum to orchestrate global collaboration for economic recovery. Through infrastructure policies, solutions, and innovation, the governments, public, and private sectors embodied in Working Groups and Engagement Groups demonstrate strength in diversity. The engagement produced numerous policy briefs delivering policy recommendations for sustainable investment and financing in economic recovery and inclusive growth.

Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF) or PT Penjaminan Infrastructure Indonesia (Persero) and Economic and Business Research and Development Agency (EBReDA) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) as hosts of T20 Task Force 8 (TF8) reflect on the significance of disseminating the submitted policy briefs. The policy briefs are essential for future recommendation on infrastructure investment and financing. For the policy recommendation to be utilized by policy makers, the IIGF and EBReDA proudly deliver a Compendium Book of Task Force 8 covering 8 policy areas of the T20 Indonesia to complement the T20 Communique.